How to have a stress-free pet vet visit - Soos Pets

How to have a stress-free pet vet visit

As incredible as this might sound, going to the vet can become just a routine, even for your naughty pets too. How is this possible? Well, there are some tricks you could use to prepare your next pet vet visit. Even your over-excited dog can stand still during the consultation. Here’s how…

pet vet

According to pet experts, if you set up a prior relaxation routine for your dog, then your next trip to the vet will look a lot different from the rest. A fact is certain – you cannot ignore the importance of regular pet vet visits. Either that we talk about annual vaccinations or periodic health check-ups, your pet needs to enjoy this activity and not see it as a punishment.

But how can we make sure our dog won’t develop anxiety in relation to the next vet appointments? Of course, the first visit can have a huge impact! However, if things haven’t been so bright up to this point, don’t lose hope! We have prepared for you a checklist that will guarantee a change for the better!

Stress busters for your next pet vet appointment

If you’re one of those 7/10 owners who have pets that simply hate going to the vet, then these tips will surely give you a helping hand. If your pet is not accustomed to your vet, then they will perceive him as a stranger who wants to touch them or get them out of their comfort zone. Indeed, not something any pet can easily accept... But, there are things you could do to ease their anxiety.

  • Exercise your dog

One of the easiest ways to make sure your dog will be less hyperactive when visiting your vet is to exercise him before the appointment. Thus, your little friend will become more patient.

  • Induce relaxation

After exercising your dog, you can now pamper him with a nice bath and a massage. By doing this, you’ll get him to be calm, relaxed and submissive. Consequently, you ensure that the visit to the pet’s doc will be less hectic.

  • Take your time

Don’t hurry because you’ll most likely cause excitement. And the last thing you want is your dog to feel the fuss before going to the vet. Plan this trip in advance and get your pet in the right state of mind before stepping out of the house.

What else can you try?

If you’ve already tried some of the above tips, then we have some food for thought for you! All these habits will only help you work things out when you can only see a lost battle.

  • Reward good behavior

Don’t forget about giving their favorite treats when they behave well. This is called positive reinforcement. For instance, if the vet managed to take a blood sample or look at their paws or ears without a hassle, then don’t ignore this moment. Give rewards (only if the vet agrees) and use an appropriate pitch of voice!

  • Their toys can help too!

Another trick you can use is to bring their favorite toy with you at the vet. This will keep their minds occupied and make the visit less scary.

  • Check your pet regularly

Otherwise said, when at home, try to do what the vet usually does – a head-to-tail check-up. For instance, look at his paws, his tummy or his ears. Thus, your pet will get accustomed to being touched… Convert this into a game and it will be perceived as a fun activity too.

Stay relaxed and your pet will follow!

To sum it all up, as you can see there are some things that can convert your ordinary pet vet visit into an enjoyable moment. Keep your spirits up, be positive and everything will go according to plan. You’re the pack leader so never lose grip on things! Not even when you have a vet appointment. Good luck and fingers crossed!

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