How to have a happy pet this spring - Soos Pets

How to have a happy pet this spring

Warmer weather and longer days, all lead us to only one thought – spring is here! So, what can you do for your furry friends to make sure they will not catch the spring fatigue? Having a happy pet means having a healthy pet too. So, get your inspiration from today’s article. Read on for some catchy ideas!

happy pet

Basic principles to apply this spring!

Your pets are most likely as excited as you are when it comes to spending time outdoors. But, keep in mind these tips before spring conditions affect the overall health of your pet. Here’s how you can have a happy pet this spring!

  • Be cautious and don’t exaggerate

We all want to spend as much time outdoors as possible when spring comes. But do you know what most people do in the first few sunny days? They tend to overdo it! Don’t try to make up for the winter months in just one single day, because you’ll most likely end up exhausting yourself and your pet too.

  • Moderation is the key

Get your dog for a walk or just play some Fetch. This way you’ll both exercise and you’ll spend time outdoors. However, don’t forget about point number one – don’t do more than you both can. Remember – both you and your pet friend are recovering after some months of inactivity. You might have some extra pounds to lose, but you need to do it gradually, and so does your dog. What’s more, never ignore his age, the older dogs will need more time to adapt both to weather and exercise.  

The guide to a happy pet…

Although these tips might sound cut-and-dry at first sight, you would be surprised to find out how many owners forget about most of these tricks over the years. Try them and get a happy pet almost instantly.happy pet spring

  • Don’t forget about grooming

Spring is a perfect time to groom your pets. Hint: Warmer temperatures also mean less fur needed. So, don’t let shedding take you by surprise. Stay one step ahead and prepare your furry friends for the warmer season. You can groom your pets at home using organic grooming products, or you can simply take them to their favorite saloon.

  • A happy pet is a healthy pet

If it’s spring, you’ll most likely take your dog to the dog park. Meeting other dogs also mean a higher probability of catching a disease. As a result, now it would be a smart idea to check your pet’s vaccines. Are they up to date? If not, schedule an appointment with your vet as soon as possible.

  • Seasonal allergies, a real problem!

Yes, your pooch can have allergies to certain plants or pollens too. So make sure to keep an eye on their overall health during these next months. If you notice something fishy, then it probably is. The secret to having a happy pet – look out for their seasonal issues.  

Try these spring ideas and have a happy pet

All in all, the spring season comes both with reasons to be happy, but as well with responsibilities. Keep your buddy safe from seasonal threats (remember flea and tick prevention) and help him adapt to higher temperatures. By all means, avoid leaving him in the car, especially on warmer days and exercise moderately. Make your dog happy and he will love you eternally!

"The dog who meets with a good master is the happier of the two." -Maeterlinck

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